Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 11, 2010

Dear Family,

Things in West Memphis are doing pretty good. Let me tell you about the week.

The Taylors, Zach and Steve are doing ok. They are really being tempted and tried by Satan. They didn’t come to church because Steve was really sick, throwing up and everything. His wife just got told that she has 3 months to live. Zach still has cancer and has to go to St. Jude’s for treatment. So, as I said before, Satan is working really hard on that family. They both have a date for the 23rd of January so hopefully they will be able to make it. Steve has a Word of Wisdom problem but he seems to be working on it. Zach is excited to be baptized so I think that he will be able to make his date.

Arthur, a friend of the Taylors, also has a date for the 23rd of January. He is excited and really wants his life to change for the better and I think that he sees that this church and gospel can do that for him.

This week was kind of sad due to the fact that not a lot of people were home. It was cold this week, it even snowed. Only about a ½ inch though. :) It has been really cold lately though, especially with the humidity, making it 10 times colder. Burr!

I am doing pretty good though. We are working with other people but waiting for a lot of them to progress. I know this gospel is true and I love my savior!


Elder Parker

January 4, 2010

Dear Family,

Can you believe that it is 2010! That is so crazy! I am so used to putting 2009 but now I can put 2010. This week was a surprisingly good week. I thought it wasn’t going to be due with transfers and things of that nature, but it ended up being a pretty good week.

We visited with the Taylor family this week. They are doing ok. Their family has a lot of stress right now but we continued to visit with them. Their son has cancer and is going to St. Jude’s to get his treatment so that is a bummer for their family. We have set a date for the Dad (Steve) and the son (Zach). It is for the 23rd. So it should be ok. I think that they will make it because the meeting we had with them was really spiritual. It included giving Steve a blessing so he can have strength to get through it and make his goal. They also had a friend that loves to listen to us and wants to get back into church so we also set a date with him. His name is Arthur. So hopefully for the 23rd, we will have 3 baptisms! That would be great.

So the new baptism goal for this year is 712. That is a big goal but I know that this mission is capable of it. We did awesome with almost 500 baptisms this last year, a record for the Arkansas Little Rock Mission. It was pretty cool to be a part of that.

So, out of nowhere, we have been teaching this kid named Taylor Key, that got baptized in September but never got confirmed due to his mom freaking out that he got baptized. I guess she didn’t quite understand what was going on when she signed the baptismal paper so he didn’t get confirmed until his mom cooled down. Well, he got confirmed yesterday out of nowhere! I guess he talked to the branch president without my knowledge and they approved it and so everything is great! It was a great Sunday as you can tell and then to end the day, we had a break-the-fast potluck at the end of church.

A lot of work is being done and I know that this gospel is true. I am seeing it change people’s lives right in front me, so I know for a fact that it is true. I love y’all and hope that you had a great New Years as I did! What a year 2009 has been! 2010 will also be a good year! I love y’all again and be safe this week!


Elder Parker

December 30, 2009 (Welcome Elder Fjerstad)

Dear Family,

Well, farewell to Elder Johnson. I will miss him, he was a good guy and I hope all is well with him. He went to Dyersburg, Tennessee. That hasn’t had missionaries for about 1 ½ months so I hope that he copes well up there, which I think he will.

My new companion’s name is Elder Fjerstad. He is from Spanish Fork, Utah. He has been out about 7 months. I am his 3 companion out in the mission field. West Memphis is his 3rd area so he is still pretty new but not green. This is his first time in a “ghetto” area so I am excited for him. I hope that I will get a long with him. He is a little quiet but and seems a little strict but only time will tell, I suppose. But, I am still happy! :)

Well, I thought I would update you on things and what happened. I hope all y’all had a good week. I love y’all and talk to you next week!


Elder Kyle Parker

December 28, 2009 (New companion pending)

Dear Family,

Well, I talked to a lot of you on Christmas so there really isn’t a whole lot to talk about. I am thankful for all of those who sent me Christmas gifts and cards. Thank you so much for all of those. You didn’t have to do that and yet you did. Thanks!

Elder Johnson, my companion, is getting transferred. I am getting a new one on Wednesday. To be honest, I really liked Elder Johnson. We had some good times together. I hope and pray that my new companion will be one I can get along with and work hard with.

Well, other than that. I hope all y’all have a good holiday week. Hurray for New Year’s! Don’t party and have too much fun without me. Love y’all!



December 21, 2009

Dear Family,

Hey, this week was good. We had a lot of good things going on.

We are now teaching a new part-member family, the Taylors. Sis Taylor is the member. She has been less-active for a while. She was off the church records in this area so we didn't know she was around. She called her old bishop and asked for a blessing so they called someone here in West Memphis to give her a blessing. So, the branch found her through giving her a blessing. She said she wanted to start coming back to church and she didn't even know that there was a church in West Memphis. She also said that her husband and Son are interested in the lesson and what to get baptized. So, we have started to teach them. They are really smart and soaking up the gospel really well.

Other than that, we are working with some others but it's hard to catch a lot of them home around this time of year. But, it is wonderful to be a missionary around this time of year. Remember as you celebrate Christmas to remember why we celebrate it, Our Savior Jesus Christ. I love y'all and look forward to speaking to y'all on Christmas.


Elder Kyle Parker