Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, 2009 (Grandpa Parker passed away)

Dear Family,

What a week! It had it's up and downs. I hit my year mark! It is unbelievable that it has been that long. I really appreciated the note that Katherine sent me from you guys. It really made Grandpa's death more bearable.

When president told me about my grandpa's death, I immediately started to cry. That man was really special to me. I wouldn't be here on my mission with that man for two reasons. First off, he was the first in the Parker family to join the church. I am grateful that he was open minded enough to accept the gospel. I am truly grateful for that. Second, when I was younger, the family went to a camp ground to have a fire dinner and whatnot. Well, I saw Danny and Chad go across a bridge to go somewhere. I wanted to go with them so I tried to go by the river to get to the bridge and I fell into the river. I was getting dragged down stream and I was drowning. Grandpa Parker came into the river and saved me. So, he saved my life. Thank you grandpa Parker, I will miss you!

Nothing to exciting happened this week because we are kind of struggling with finding new people to teach. We had a good lesson with Sarah and she is getting closer. We are excited to get her baptized soon. We are just kind of waiting on her situation with her parents. It's confusing but we will figure it out soon! It was Elder Cortez' birthday on Friday so I took him out to McDonalds for breakfast. So exciting! That is what you can afford as a missionary. Haha.

I appreciate all of you in taking the time to write in that card! It meant more than you know. For those going to the funeral, please pay my respects for me. I love y'all. Have a good week!


Elder Parker

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009

Dear Family,

Wow, what an interesting week! It has its up and downs but it’s good. But I have a story for you!

So I have always wanted to go to another church other than ours. So we were visiting a Less-active by the name of Sister Triggs. She doesn’t come to church because she has a handicapped daughter that has to go to the bathroom a lot and she can’t stay in one place for too long, so we come and visit her instead. We began to talk and she brought up the comment, “You know, I feel like the Mormons are going to have more people going to heaven than any other faith.” I then proceeded to ask her why this is. And she didn’t know, so we showed her something we call the “Cup demo”. It shows that our church is Jesus Christ’s church 2000 years ago. Then it clicked with her and it made sense and she was really happy. Then she told us that her daughter has a church that comes over and does services in a room in their house. About 7 to 10 people come to it. She wanted us to show her church the cup demo or basically the 1st lesson that we teach as missionaries. So that is when the fun began.

So, we went over the next day and they began with lunch. There were a lot of black ladies and one white lady. She said the blessing on the food. And there began the prayer talk. So we knew that it was going to be an interesting day. Then came to preaching my “sermon” as I would like to call it. :) I got in the room and there was a camcorder. So they were going to record me. What they are going to do with that tape, I don’t know. But it started off pretty well. I began talking about prophets and Jesus Christ. The people started to shout praises every once and a while. “Amen” “Thank you, Jesus” “Hallelujah” “Praise Him!” It was kind of hard not to laugh to be completely honest. Then I got to the part where I talked about Joseph Smith. Then the praises stopped. The spirit was really strong when I talked about Joseph Smith but they were so closed minded that they didn’t feel it. The main preacher of that congregation started to laugh at me. Not very nice. Then when I closed with my testimony, and said amen, they started to clap. Not a normal thing to do at a church service at least at ours.

Then the fun began. They started there church services. They began with a bunch of people singing solos. Then they had like a mini testimony meeting. I bore my testimony and got a couple “Amens”. Haha. Then they started singing again but this time they passed around an offering plate. We didn’t donate at first but then we felt bad because everyone else was donating so we decided to donate. Who knows where that money went, probably into the preacher’s pocket, but we will never know. Then the preacher got up and began her sermon. She read out of 1 Samuel talking about David and Goliath. It was pretty good but you could feel the spirit because she was yelling and everyone was constantly shouting praises, “Come on, come on, come on, tell us!” There was a lot of truth in her sermon. And I learned quite a bit. But the people there confuse the spirit with an adrenaline rush. Then she concluded her sermon. Then another preacher got up and she asked the congregation if anyone wanted to bring a problem to Jesus and to accept him into there lives to come forth. One black lady stood up and she got up. Then the preacher behind her got up and started to chant something along the lines of “Amen, Lord God, Jesus, Thank you, Amen” Etc. She just went on and on. Then the preacher in front of the lady that got up started to anoint her with Olive oil. She put it on her forehead and two palms on her hands. Then she hit her in the head and hit her in the feet and then told her to say something and then she was saved. Yes, it was that easy. Me and my companion had a hard time not laughing but we did respect them. We didn’t make fun of them. So at the end of it, one of the ladies accidently broke the camcorder holder and the preacher got really mad at her. She was like “I don’t believe that you broke this….” “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to.” “I don’t care, you still broke it….” So after this lady preacher had supposedly felt the spirit all of a sudden was really angry at this person.

You know, I didn’t write this to make fun of other religions. I hope you laughed because it was funny. But it really strengthened my testimony of our church and the doctrines that it teaches. They taught truth but they don’t have it all. I hope that the spirit may touch them one day.

Elder Cortez is a good missionary. He has been out for about 5 months. Things should go well with him!

This week, I have been out 1 year! It is amazing because it sure doesn’t feel like I have been out a year. Time is going too fast for me. I have enjoyed my time as a missionary thus far and serving the Lord. I will continue to do this for another year. I love my Lord and Savior and I am nothing with Him.

Sorry this was super long, but I had to tell it. Hope you enjoyed. We have a good week coming up and I am excited! Hope all is well back home. Thanks for the support and love you have given me.


Elder Parker

Pictures include: Elder Lyman’s wall of Mountain Dew. He really likes it. Elder Lyman and I. He is now in Monticello, AR.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 15, 2009 (New companion!)

Well y'all, I got a new companion. His name his Elder Cortez. He is from San Diego, California. But, a week ago, his family moved to North Ogden, Utah. I don't know if you guys saw the RM but in the movie, the missionaries family moves. He seems ok with it but to be honest, I would be quite upset if my family moved while I was gone on my mission. So there is a hint mom and dad. Don't move. Ha ha. Anyway, I think I will get a long with him just fine. He has been out about 5 months and Jackson is his 2nd area. Jackson lost a set of missionaries so now we have a huge area. It is probably one of the biggest areas in the mission. 3 or more counties at least! But we are on the border with the Tennessee Nashville Mission, so we are on the outskirts of the mission. I am excited for this transfer and it should go pretty well. I am happy and hope all y'all are doing awesome!

Love, Elder Parker

July 13, 2009

Dear Family,

Well dag-gum! How all yall doing? I hope well. This week is transfer week! And Elder Lyman is getting transferred. I am kind of sad because he was a good missionary and I enjoyed being with him. The Lord needs him elsewhere and I am happy for him. I am just curious who my next companion is. I guess only time will tell. At the start of this new transfer, I am excited to get things going and have success here in Jackson.

From the sounds of it, we will be the only missionaries in Jackson. We will lose a companionship. Not a hundred percent sure on that but pretty sure. At least we will have full car. Elder Wilson and Brand got back from Mountain View and Wilson went home today and Brand is with us until Wednesday at Transfer meeting.

This week was a good week. We had a lot of good lessons and what not. We talked to Sarah and had a good lesson with her. She talked to her dad about her looking into the church and fortunately she said that he is ok with it as long as she really studies it and sticks to it, which she is. So I have a feeling that she will get baptized this transfer. Yay!

Sunday was a special fireside. Brother Dennis Pegues from the Memphis 1st Ward, 2nd Councilor in the Bishopric came up to Jackson and spoke. He is a member of the churches, Genesis group. It's a group of people that are members of the church that our black. He talked about the unity of the faith and how we are all children of our heavenly father. Really good and the spirit was so strong.

I am so grateful for this gospel. What a wonderful opportunity I have to be out here serving the Lord. I love doing it. I love to help people feel the spirit and helping people come to Jesus Christ. I know that he is my savior and redeemer and that he has a plan for all of us. I know this gospel is true and I love being a missionary. I am excited to share many missionary experiences will all of you in a year.

Thanks for the love, support and prayers in my behalf. May the Lord bless you!


Elder Parker

Pictures include: 31 miles an hour. Dead serious. The mayor's wife got pulled over for going 31 miles an hour in a 30 so the mayor raised the speed limit to 31 miles an hour. Funny eh? Then the next one is Me and Elder Wilson, who went home today. Enjoy.

July 6, 2009

Dear Family,

Well, well, I hope that everyone had an amazing 4th of July! Unfortunately, mine wasn't very memorable. Let me explain. So we went to a member's house in the morning. They gave us ribs. It was super yummy, best I have ever had.
Then we went to the Ward party that they had put on. It was pretty good.
They had a big lake and the kids and adults went swimming in it. It made me miss swimming. So Elder Lyman and I stayed on the shore and we played "Bulls-eye Washers" and "Bean-bag Toss". We didn't even get to see fireworks but, eh, that's ok.

We had a great lesson with one of Matt's (guy who just left on his mission) friends, Lacy. It went really good. We had a great lesson but the problem is her family really doesn't want us meeting with her. She really wants to know and she wants a Book of Mormon so we are working on getting her one of those.

We had a good district meeting. It was kind of smaller though due to the East Elders in Jackson were in Mountain View, Arkansas working up there. I really don't know what is going to happen to the district this coming transfer. I can tell you this, there will be a lot of changes. Dyersburg, Trenton and Jackson East are definitely changing up companionships and Elder Lyman might leave too. We find out this Sunday. I hope he doesn't leave but who knows, anything can happen.

We went up to a member's house this last week, Brother Snipes. He is a black guy, really nice. We did some service for him and he showed us some of his guns and whatnot. He also has an animal sanctuary for his animals. Tigers, monkeys, etc. I haven't been there yet, but we will probably go up there on Saturday. Should be pretty interesting.

We are excited that Sarah, other one of Matt's friends, is going to meet with her this week. She is so ready but her parents are the hold up. I pray that she will be able to get baptized soon!

Other than that, we have a lot going on this week. I am going on Exchanges tomorrow with Dyersburg then probably on Thursday, do exchanges with Trenton. I had a good week, I hope all y'all had a great week and thanks for the love, support and prayers! Stay safe!


Elder Kyle Parker

Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 29, 2009

Dear Family,

Can you already believe it is July!?!?! Wow, time sure is going by really fast! It is crazy to think that one year ago, I was stressing about getting ready to go on a mission. It’s hard to believe I have almost been out a year. Don’t worry, I am not going to officially say anything until it happens. And yes, I will burn a white shirt! (No, not one I own, I will get it at a goodwill.

Tuesday was District meeting with the whole district. The Zone Leaders were there as well, so we had a big group. We learned a lot from the district and it was a really spiritual meeting. I thought that it went really well. I was very impressed with the outcome of the meeting.

We had a good lesson with Sarah Purcell, a girl that we are teaching. She has a strong testimony but she is still waiting on her parents. I think something is going on with her grandma so I don’t know if that will slow down things or if we will even get to meet her.

Matt Moore, a member here in Jackson, is going on his mission next week. He spoke on Sunday and did a really good job. All I know is that he kind of has a bad past and that people are really surprised at his turn around in his life. I am proud of him, he is a really good kid. We played Frisbee golf this morning with him and his friend. It was fun. I am not really good at that game though. Oh well! They had a big party on Saturday for him that that was neat for him

Other than that, I am excited for 4th of July. This is will be my first one on the mission. We are trying to get some more things going on but things are going just a little slow for now. I hope all is well with y’all, I love ya and thanks for your prayers, love and support. God bless y’all and America!


Elder Kyle Parker

Here is a picture of Me and Matt Moore, the missionary that is going on his mission. Here is us playing frisbee golf!

June 22, 2009

Dear Family,

What an interesting week. I am happy with it so I will tell you about it! Last Monday after I e-mailed y’all, we went over to the mortuary and stayed there quite a while because a major storm was coming. The tornado sirens were going off and it was going crazy. I recorded some of it for when I come back but it was creepy. Luckily, no tornado actually came but the fact that the sirens were going off in the town was scary.

Thursday was Zone Conference. It was spiritual and uplifting. I did learn though that we will be getting a car this week for this area so I will have full car once again. Thank you Heavenly Father!

I hope that Whitney, Rachel and Dad had good birthdays. Sorry, I wasn’t there, I am kind of busy, if you know what I mean. ;) I saw the pictures on Whitney’s blog, looks like you guys are having a great time!

We are just working with some people. Probably the biggest thing right now that we are working with is a girl named Sarah. She is praying about a date to get baptized right now. Matt, her friend, is leaving on a mission is a couple of weeks and I think she wanted him to baptize her so she has to get her answer fast if she wants him to do it. Really strong testimony though, she is one of those “golden people”.

I played basketball this last week and I am fixin’ to play it again tonight. I have been really careful with my feet but I am not that bad at basketball, I made a lot of shots and every game that I have played, I have won so it’s pretty cool. Chad, Dad and Cade, you better watch out when I come back, because I am going to whoop you in basketball. :)

Hope y’all had a great week and thanks again for your love, support and prayers. They are always needed and appreciated. I love ya!


Elder Parker


First one is me in front of Carl Perkins. He is the original person that wrote the song "Blue Swade Shoes" and Various other songs.

Second one is when we went to a Diamond Jaxx game last week. This is the picture of the pitcher "Kyle Parker". I thought that was cool that he had the same exact name as me. :)

Third one is the Diamond Jaxx symbol.


June 15, 2009

Dear Family,

Hello, hello! I hope all of you are having a great week! It is getting more and more humid here. I am not looking forward to another hot and humid summer in the south. Ugh! I had a good week, so I am going to tell you about it.

Tuesday, I had my first district meeting. I was really nervous but that is ok. There was only 4 of us. It went pretty well. But to make things more stressful for me, we have 4 more missionaries in our district, 2 in Dyersburg and 2 in Trenton. Don’t know if I wanted more but I got more anyways.

Thursday, we had the AP’s come over and give me District Leader training. We also had President interviews. It was once again, good to talk to him. We talked about the district and how I was doing. We also talked about my feet and he said he is working on getting full car here because as of now, we have 1 on, 1 off. So we have to ride our bike a lot. I am dying! So out of shape. It’s good for me though.

This week, too, we got to meet a lot of families of the ward due to having dinner at there house. It was great! Sunday was good too, none of our investigators came though, unfortunately. :( We are still working on that.

So, overall, we had a good week. I am hoping that this week will be better because on Thursday because we have Zone Conference on that day. I am excited about that.

Also, happy birthday to Whitney, Rachel and Dad! I hope this week is awesome for y’all and know that someone in Jackson, TN is thinking about you!

Hope you all have a fun and safe week. I love y’all!


Elder Kyle Parker