Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, 2009 (Grandpa Parker passed away)

Dear Family,

What a week! It had it's up and downs. I hit my year mark! It is unbelievable that it has been that long. I really appreciated the note that Katherine sent me from you guys. It really made Grandpa's death more bearable.

When president told me about my grandpa's death, I immediately started to cry. That man was really special to me. I wouldn't be here on my mission with that man for two reasons. First off, he was the first in the Parker family to join the church. I am grateful that he was open minded enough to accept the gospel. I am truly grateful for that. Second, when I was younger, the family went to a camp ground to have a fire dinner and whatnot. Well, I saw Danny and Chad go across a bridge to go somewhere. I wanted to go with them so I tried to go by the river to get to the bridge and I fell into the river. I was getting dragged down stream and I was drowning. Grandpa Parker came into the river and saved me. So, he saved my life. Thank you grandpa Parker, I will miss you!

Nothing to exciting happened this week because we are kind of struggling with finding new people to teach. We had a good lesson with Sarah and she is getting closer. We are excited to get her baptized soon. We are just kind of waiting on her situation with her parents. It's confusing but we will figure it out soon! It was Elder Cortez' birthday on Friday so I took him out to McDonalds for breakfast. So exciting! That is what you can afford as a missionary. Haha.

I appreciate all of you in taking the time to write in that card! It meant more than you know. For those going to the funeral, please pay my respects for me. I love y'all. Have a good week!


Elder Parker

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