Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 6, 2009

Dear Family,

Well, well, I hope that everyone had an amazing 4th of July! Unfortunately, mine wasn't very memorable. Let me explain. So we went to a member's house in the morning. They gave us ribs. It was super yummy, best I have ever had.
Then we went to the Ward party that they had put on. It was pretty good.
They had a big lake and the kids and adults went swimming in it. It made me miss swimming. So Elder Lyman and I stayed on the shore and we played "Bulls-eye Washers" and "Bean-bag Toss". We didn't even get to see fireworks but, eh, that's ok.

We had a great lesson with one of Matt's (guy who just left on his mission) friends, Lacy. It went really good. We had a great lesson but the problem is her family really doesn't want us meeting with her. She really wants to know and she wants a Book of Mormon so we are working on getting her one of those.

We had a good district meeting. It was kind of smaller though due to the East Elders in Jackson were in Mountain View, Arkansas working up there. I really don't know what is going to happen to the district this coming transfer. I can tell you this, there will be a lot of changes. Dyersburg, Trenton and Jackson East are definitely changing up companionships and Elder Lyman might leave too. We find out this Sunday. I hope he doesn't leave but who knows, anything can happen.

We went up to a member's house this last week, Brother Snipes. He is a black guy, really nice. We did some service for him and he showed us some of his guns and whatnot. He also has an animal sanctuary for his animals. Tigers, monkeys, etc. I haven't been there yet, but we will probably go up there on Saturday. Should be pretty interesting.

We are excited that Sarah, other one of Matt's friends, is going to meet with her this week. She is so ready but her parents are the hold up. I pray that she will be able to get baptized soon!

Other than that, we have a lot going on this week. I am going on Exchanges tomorrow with Dyersburg then probably on Thursday, do exchanges with Trenton. I had a good week, I hope all y'all had a great week and thanks for the love, support and prayers! Stay safe!


Elder Kyle Parker

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