Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26, 2009

Dear Family,

What a good week. We have gotten a lot of work done and a lot of things are happening again in Jackson. Let me tell you how it went!

We went with a part member family, the Begins, to a pumpkin patch and we made Pumpkins. It was a lot of fun. We are currently teaching Brother Begin who is a non-member. We think things will definitely start to get going with him. He really likes us and we have a good relationship with him. Hopefully, he will get baptized soon!

Natalie Leatherwood was baptized on Saturday! It was an exiting time for her and her family. It was an honor to get to know her and her family. They are all so nice. A member of the ward baptized her because her grandpa has no leg. Her father is Less-active so it was good to see her there. He served a full-time mission and got sealed in the temple and hasn’t been to church for years. That just doesn’t compute.

Sunday was good. Our investigator class was full to the brim almost. It was the fullest I have ever seen it. We had 2 of the 3 main investigators that we were teaching there. It was awesome!

I am grateful for the church! I love to be a missionary. I know that it is true for I have seen it put to the test. Being a missionary is the hardest thing I have ever done but I know that I will be grateful for doing one. Jesus is the Christ. Joseph Smith was his Prophet. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s church back on the earth. What a privilege it is to be a part of it. Thank you for your love, support and prayers. Please continue them, they do help. I will continue to do the same for you.

Quick shout out to my aunt Jamie and Sister and Law Cindy. Happy Belated Birthday. Sorry I forgot about it! I hope it was wonderful!

Have a happy halloween!



Pictures include: (Natalie’s Baptism), (Us with our Pumpkins)

October 19, 2009

Dear Family,

What a week. It has been filled with Joy and success. Let me tell you a little bit about it.

Wednesday, Elder Gift, my old mission companion came into town and took me and my companion out to lunch. It was really good to see him. He also brought his girlfriend from Arkansas. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing. It was good to see both of them again. We had a nice visit.

Probably the biggest event of the week was when Darius Gray came into town from SLC. He is a black man that does genealogy for African Americans and others. He gave a great talk to the community and there were 187 people that attended. 60% of them were non-members so it was a huge success. We had a chance to talk to a proclaimed prophet. We in turn, taught him the first vision. We gave him our number and he said it was quite interesting so you never know.

We have been doing a lot of service for this part-member family that had come into the ward. They had moved from Trenton, TN and they just needed some help because they have a lot of physical problems. Anyway, we finally asked the husband, who is a non-member, if he would like to be taught and he said yes so that went well. So we will teach him this coming week.

Saturday we went to Brownsville, TN. It is about 30 minutes west of Jackson. There was a bunch of media that needed to be delivered so that is what we did. We met a lot of people out there and met this couple that we are coming back on Saturday to teach. They seem pretty promising.

Sunday was good. We had what they call a linger longer and everyone brought some food. It was awesome! A former investigator named Antonia that we were teaching in Brownsville showed up! I had called her to tell her that we were in town on Saturday and were wondering if we could visit with her. She didn’t call us back or anything and yet she just showed up to church. Crazy!

Natalie’s baptism is coming up on Saturday. The family is excited and hopefully more good will come from it.

That was my week. This week looks pretty busy again so I am excited! Thank you for your love, support and prayers on my behalf. May the Lord bless you for your dedication! I love y’all!


Elder Parker

Pictures Include: (Me and Darius Gray), (Me and Parker Gift)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 12, 2009

Dear Family,

Hello, hello. I am glad to hear from y’all. Happy Columbus Day. As Always, I hate holiday’s on my mission because there is no mail. :( Oh well. I will get some, hopefully tomorrow.

This week was pretty good. We got a lot done and things are going pretty well. Natalie came to church this Sunday and she is doing well this week. We are going over to her grandparents house to teach her and have a mini party for her. She is scheduled for baptism on the 24th. Also, Alicia, a member’s girlfriend came to church again as well. We are excited for her and plan to teach her on Saturday. We are actually very busy this week so I am excited for that.

A man by the name of Darius Gray is coming to Jackson. He is a African American member of the church who is coming to talk on Genealogy. It is happening on Thursday. Over a 100 of black ministers have been invited to come and attend this Genealogy Conference. It will hopefully get people curious enough to find new people to teach. I don’t know what it is about finding new people to teach, we struggle with it. But usually when we do find someone, they are really good ones.

This weekend, we played Softball as a ward trying to invite all the Less-actives to come. We had a good time. Also, it was Deb Dunham’s birthday so as a gift to her, Me and Elder Cortez gave her a year subscription to the Ensign. The pictures are of both of these events. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for all the love, support and prayers you have given me. They are much needed and appreciated. I love y’all.


Elder Kyle Parker

October 5, 2009

Dear Family,

Hey everyone! I am happy as can be and life is good. I got news about transfers. President called us Sunday Morning. I am staying here in Jackson. That means that I will have spent at least ¼ of my mission here. I really enjoy it because we have a lot going one and I am happy to be here so yeah! I am also staying with Elder Cortez. This will be our 3rd transfer together. That rarely happens so I am excited about that. President said he was really tempted to transfer one of us but he decided not to.

This weekend was Conference and it was neat to hear from the Prophet and Apostles once again. I enjoyed most of them. Some of my favorites would have to be Thomas S. Monson when he talked about Service. It was really neat. Then I enjoy Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk about the Book of Mormon. Way bold and strong testimony.

We have set another baptismal date with a little 9 year old girl. Her name is Natalie. Really sweet and she is way smart. It is for the 17th of this month.

I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that I am His missionary doing His work. I get to see so many miracles and that Lord truly has a hand in this work. He prepares people because he wants them to be truly happy. I love y’all and am so happy to represent you and the Lord. I hope y’all have a good week.


Elder Kyle Parker