Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

Dear Family,

Hello and greeting from Jackson. I hope that all y’all are doing well. I have less than 2 months left. That is so crazy! Things in Jackson are doing quite well so let me give you a little update.

Jeremy Weathers, a man who got baptized two weeks ago finally made it to church this last Sunday and was able to get confirmed, which is great. So it is finally official.

A referral was given to us by a family named the Van Weys in Jackson. The referrals name is Angela Bishop. She is so ready to accept the gospel. Apparently, she had taken the missionary discussions in the past but for whatever reason, she stopped. She has a baptismal date for June 12. Her family is very against joining this church but the Van Weys are using her has a helper around the house. Pray for her as I hope that her family will at least soften up to her decision to be baptized.

We had Zone Conference. It was good. We talked about attitude. The interview with President was also a good one. I felt like good friends with him and he is happy with me.

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings that not only bless my life but the blessings of others. I love y’all and hope that you have a good week. Love ya!


(Elder Parker)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 17, 2010

Dear Family,

Hello, I am doing well. We are getting it done in Jackson. Things are going well and I am enjoying training my new companion. Not only it is a learning experience for him but for me as well. I would like to thank all of those who thought of me on my birthday. It made me happy and loved. Thank you!

We had a very unique opportunity to go to a special stake conference with Elder Holland. It was really cool. We got there like 2 hours before it started and got front row seats, it was great. While he was giving his talk, he saw us and stopped his talk and said, “Oh, hey Elders, how are you doing?” We nod our heads. “You Elders working hard?” We nod our heads again. “Good.” He then turns to the mission president who was up on the stand as well and asked “They working hard?” The mission president nods his head. “Good. You Elders keep it up.” It was so crazy because that was in front of the whole stake. He would look at us a lot during his talk too. It was really cool. He is very funny and a lot different when he isn’t in Conference.

We are trying in get in contact with a lot of our investigators. My comp is learning about “dogged” appointments but that is something you will always run into as a missionary. Good for him though. :)

Other than that, we are just working hard, not a whole lot to update you on. I love you very much and thank you for your love, support and prayers in my behalf.


(Elder Parker)

May 10, 2010 (Day after Mothers Day)

Dear Family,

Well, it was good to talk to you this weekend. I hope all the mothers had a great Mother's day. It was a pleasure to talk to y'all! Next time we talk, it will be in person! I am excited to work as hard as I can these last 2 1/2 months! Thank you for all of the love and support that you have given me. Y'all are awesome! Talk to you next week!


(Elder Parker)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010 ("I'm goin' to Jackson")

Dear Family,

I am back in Jackson, TN. I am so happy too! I have a new companion and I mean new. He is fresh from the MTC. He is a greenie. So that makes me a trainer. I am kind of anxious but it should be good. His name is Elder Peinamalie. Elder "Peay" for short. (Like "Pay") He is from Hanksville, UT. He is not Samoan, but his Dad is. He seems like a really cool guy. I am excited to get to know him better. Well, I love y'all and talk to you on Sunday.



Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

Dear Family,

First of all, Happy Birthday Chad! I hope that your birthday is awesome. I hope you liked the present I got you! You may have a hard time wearing it but just suck it up for me. :)

So this week was pretty crazy. We had a lot happen and so much to update you on. So anyways, there were some crazy Storms this week. Tornados, luckily, none came near us but there were a lot in Shelby County (Memphis). So, Sunday was a good day, we are teaching a lot more people and Member missionary work is doing great!

So, I am getting transferred! I am also getting released as Zone Leader at my request because I am going back to Jackson, TN! I am so excited! I love it there and it was by far my favorite area. There is a lot going on, including some Baptisms so that will be fun. They are working on investigators that I was working on when I was there so hopefully they will get baptized before I leave. I will confirm that I am in Jackson on Wednesday if it happens.

So, it was a very good learning experience as Zone Leader. I had a lot of reasonability and it was a lot of hard work but it was definitely a good experience for me and I am grateful for it.

So that was pretty much my week. I love you and am grateful for your love, prayers and support in my behalf. Love y’all and talk to you on Sunday! Happy Mother’s Day!



(Elder Parker)

Pictures include: (Me and Elder Parker, who actually went home today.) (A T-shirt that some missioaries made of a missionary named Elder Fjerstad. It is so cool. I served with Elder Fjerstad and there is a saying in the mission that goes "Keep it Fjerstad" or basically, "Keep it Cool or Real". I want one so bad. Elder Fjerstad is now famous!)