Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

Dear Family,

First of all, Happy Birthday Chad! I hope that your birthday is awesome. I hope you liked the present I got you! You may have a hard time wearing it but just suck it up for me. :)

So this week was pretty crazy. We had a lot happen and so much to update you on. So anyways, there were some crazy Storms this week. Tornados, luckily, none came near us but there were a lot in Shelby County (Memphis). So, Sunday was a good day, we are teaching a lot more people and Member missionary work is doing great!

So, I am getting transferred! I am also getting released as Zone Leader at my request because I am going back to Jackson, TN! I am so excited! I love it there and it was by far my favorite area. There is a lot going on, including some Baptisms so that will be fun. They are working on investigators that I was working on when I was there so hopefully they will get baptized before I leave. I will confirm that I am in Jackson on Wednesday if it happens.

So, it was a very good learning experience as Zone Leader. I had a lot of reasonability and it was a lot of hard work but it was definitely a good experience for me and I am grateful for it.

So that was pretty much my week. I love you and am grateful for your love, prayers and support in my behalf. Love y’all and talk to you on Sunday! Happy Mother’s Day!



(Elder Parker)

Pictures include: (Me and Elder Parker, who actually went home today.) (A T-shirt that some missioaries made of a missionary named Elder Fjerstad. It is so cool. I served with Elder Fjerstad and there is a saying in the mission that goes "Keep it Fjerstad" or basically, "Keep it Cool or Real". I want one so bad. Elder Fjerstad is now famous!)

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