Monday, December 29, 2008

December 29, 2008

Dear Family,

Well, this past week as been an overall good week. So I had a good experience happen to me during this week. We went on the Air Force base and visited with one of the members on there. He had an extra Christmas tree and he gave it to us for someone to give. So we decided to bring it to the Claxtons house. We went over there and set it up and Sister Claxton started to cry. She told us that she hadn’t had a Christmas tree for years and it was really special to her. It was such a tender moment that I will never forget. It was awesome!

So on Christmas Eve, I woke up, ready to have a good P-day. My thought process was this: “I mean, come on, I get to talk to my family tomorrow! This will be a good day.” Boy, was I wrong. To sum it all up, I threw up six times! I was so misrable. We went to a members house and I just sat in his recliner all day and only getting up to throw up. Ugh. Luckily, it only lasted a day. The next day, my stomach was sore so I didn’t really eat anything. Christmas Day was a special day because I was able to talk to my family. It was so good to hear from y’all. Thank you for the love and support that y’all give me. I really appreciate it! The prayers are much needed and appreciated!

So, we have been trying to teach Ed Claxton more. We talked to him about baptism and he wants to take it a little slow so yeah. Ugh. I hate slowness but eh, whatever. This coming week we are going to use for finding new investigators. We are kind of running low. We are going to go back to the basics and go tracting. Yay! (He he) I know that the Lord will bless us with new people to teach.

Hope y’all had a great Christmas and hope y’all stayed safe! So P-days are officially on Mondays now, so for those who e-mail, take note of that. Until next week!


Elder Parker

Kyle's YouTube Movie

Dear Family,

So our Zone made a Christmas movie for Zone Conference and it is now on "YouTube". Go to "" and in the search box, type “Mormon Missionaries Movie” It will be under “Part 1” and “Part 2”. Hope you all enjoy it! Looking forward to speak to some of you on Christmas!


Elder Parker

PS -
Here are the specific links:
Part 1:
Part 2:

December 17, 2008

Dear Family,

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with everyone. Well, this week was the last week of the transfer. It ended really well. I was very happy.

We talked to the Claxton’s last Friday and gave him and her a Book of Mormon and went over it with them. It was great. Ed Claxton, the guy we are teaching, played the guitar for us. It was awesome. Then, the both showed up for church on Sunday. It was great! Second week in a row. Yeah! We also did some service for them so we are really working for them.

Saturday, we went with the Witts(Senior Couple Missionaries in Jacksonville) and taught Patrick. We finally got him when we were running kind of late after Gabbys lesson. The lesson with Patrick went really well. He had a lot of questions and we tried to answer them the best we could. We ended up staying there for around 2 hours. It was crazy! But, go Witts because they have been struggling. That’s ok though, they are surviving.

Sunday was awesome! I gave a talk on “Becoming a better member missionary” I got a lot of compliments on the talk so that was very nice of the ward. I hope that got the ward excited about missionary work.

So since Sunday night, we have been spending our days with Elder Gift, the zone leader, because his companion, Elder Pratt, became AP (Assistant to the President). He got a new companion, Elder Jensen. He is pretty cool. He is from Minnesota. So we have had some fun together. Luckily, I didn’t get transferred so, I am staying in Jacksonville for Christmas! We have a lot of fun plans next week for Christmas so it should be fun.

I am excited to call y’all on Christmas day! It should be a lot of fun. If you have any questions for me, make sure to write them down so you remember to ask me when I have you on the phone. I have a couple of things to tell you all as well.

Thanks again for the e-mails and letters you all send me. Thank you for the prayers on my behalf, I really appreciate it. They really mean a lot to me. I probably won’t be e-mailing next week due to I will be calling home! Yay!

Oh, before I forget. ***Important Notice*** P-day will now be on Mondays starting January 1, 2009. So when the next year comes around, P-day will be on Monday instead of Wednesday. Thanks again!


Elder Parker

December 10, 2008

Dear Family,

Hello, Hello. So time is getting closer in the air. People everywhere are talking about Jesus Christ. It is wonderful to be a missionary during this time because we get to tell them about his restored church on the earth once again!

This was a good past week. We had great lessons with some of our investigators! So last time I talked about a less active that we visited with one of the AP’s. They are called the Claxtons. She is a less-active and her husband is not a member. We are currently teaching her husband and they have us over for dinner every week. It is great! They both came to church last Sunday! She hadn’t been for more than 5 years so it was a big surprise to see them there.

Gabby was also there. She is the 11 year investigator. And she got up and bore her testimony. That is so awesome! I was so proud of her!

Last Saturday, we did some service at the Edwards and we made a big burn pile and burned it. It was a lot of fun. Don’t worry, I was careful! Then later that night we had the ward Christmas party. In my opinion, it was kind of lame but it was fun nonetheless.

Funny story, we got a referral from the bishop about an hour before the Christmas party. A guy wanted a Book of Mormon but he was being deployed to Iraq in an hour. So we hurried up to where this guy lived. He lived out in the forest in a trailer park. We find his trailer and he answers the door. He has long hair, long beard and a beer in his hand. He tells us to come on in and he told us how the Air force was going to come pick him up in an hour and how he was a bomb technician. It was really weird. We gave him the Book of Mormon and he told us how someone read Jacob to him. So we turned to the Book of Jacob and gave him the book and he pointed to Jacob 1:2. We read it to him (It’s about Jacob writing in the plates or something like that.) and he said “That’s what the air force is going to do with me, isn’t it?” Me and Elder Noorda look at each other and both agreed we needed to get out of there. So we did. He started to follow us out so Elder Noorda told me, “Go, go, go, go, go!” So we got out of there fast. It was funny. Drunk people are very interesting.

I enjoyed the Christmas devotional. That was a lot of fun. I liked the talks.

I hope my family enjoyed the movie that our Zone made. If you want to see it, just talk to my mom and dad.

Thank you for your love and support. I really appreciate it! Thank you for the prayers on my behalf, they really help me continue on! I love and miss all of you!


Elder Parker

December 4, 2008

Dear Family,

Well, Thanksgiving and stuff like that has come and gone. I hope all went well with Thanksgiving and whatnot. I know I did. In the morning, we went to the Turkey Bowl and played some football. My feet were pretty sore afterwards but we still had a good time. Then we went to Drunita’s house and had some Chitlens. That is pig intestines. They were gross! But now I can say I have had them. Then we went to the Baclawski’s for dinner. We had the traditional thanksgiving dinner. It was awesome. We ate a lot. Then we went to a less-actives house and we had some pie. So overall, it really just felt like a ordinary day. But it was fun!

So this last Tuesday was the “Christmas Zone Conference”! We had a lot of fun. We actually were an hour late. We were following some other missionaries in there car because they had a GPS system. We ended up getting lost and ended up on a dirt road. We eventually found our way to the church but that was so crazy! We watched the Muppet Christmas Carol. We then had some Chili provided by the ward members. It was really good. Then we did our skits. Our skit by far was the best one. We watched it on DVD and I am going to send a copy to you guys so you can see it! We had so much fun. Then we got to open our presents that were given to us by the wards in the mission. It was a bunch of hygiene stuff. That was really nice of them. Then I got to read the letter that Mom, Dad, and Cade sent me. I cried. That was really special to me, thank you very much for that letter!

Now, the reason I didn’t write to you yesterday was because we went out on exchanges with the AP’s (Assistants to the President). We had a really fun time and had really cool miracles happen. The assistant I went with, Elder Corbett, we talked to a less-active lady and she basically told us that she wants to come back to church and we told her how we were going to get her there and she was so excited that she set an appointment with us for dinner tomorrow. So we are really excited for that. Elder Noorda went with the other AP, Elder Alder, and got a new black investigator woman. So yesterday was a good, effective day. So today we are taking our P-day.

This morning though, we had another meeting with Jim Allen. He loves to read the Book of Mormon and Sister Witt gave him a bunch of Ensigns, New Eras, Friends, etc. He was excited about that. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want to meet with us until January because of the Holiday season and how he is so busy with his family and work. But we plan on just dropping by to see how he is doing!

We have been working with a less-active family, the Tadlocks. We are re-teaching the missionary discussions with them so that is really exciting! They are a really cool older couple. They feed us every week now so yeah!

I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it to be true with all of my heart, might, mind and strength! I love to be a missionary and being able to tell people about the restored church. I know it to be true! I love you guys very much. Thanks for your prayers and support. Continue to do so, as I need it! You will receive blessings for doing so! Share the gospel to your friends! I promise as you do so, you will be given what to say to people that may not be of our faith. I love you and keep up the good work!


Elder Parker