Monday, December 29, 2008

December 29, 2008

Dear Family,

Well, this past week as been an overall good week. So I had a good experience happen to me during this week. We went on the Air Force base and visited with one of the members on there. He had an extra Christmas tree and he gave it to us for someone to give. So we decided to bring it to the Claxtons house. We went over there and set it up and Sister Claxton started to cry. She told us that she hadn’t had a Christmas tree for years and it was really special to her. It was such a tender moment that I will never forget. It was awesome!

So on Christmas Eve, I woke up, ready to have a good P-day. My thought process was this: “I mean, come on, I get to talk to my family tomorrow! This will be a good day.” Boy, was I wrong. To sum it all up, I threw up six times! I was so misrable. We went to a members house and I just sat in his recliner all day and only getting up to throw up. Ugh. Luckily, it only lasted a day. The next day, my stomach was sore so I didn’t really eat anything. Christmas Day was a special day because I was able to talk to my family. It was so good to hear from y’all. Thank you for the love and support that y’all give me. I really appreciate it! The prayers are much needed and appreciated!

So, we have been trying to teach Ed Claxton more. We talked to him about baptism and he wants to take it a little slow so yeah. Ugh. I hate slowness but eh, whatever. This coming week we are going to use for finding new investigators. We are kind of running low. We are going to go back to the basics and go tracting. Yay! (He he) I know that the Lord will bless us with new people to teach.

Hope y’all had a great Christmas and hope y’all stayed safe! So P-days are officially on Mondays now, so for those who e-mail, take note of that. Until next week!


Elder Parker

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