Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 12, 2009

Dear Family,

Hello, hello. I am glad to hear from y’all. Happy Columbus Day. As Always, I hate holiday’s on my mission because there is no mail. :( Oh well. I will get some, hopefully tomorrow.

This week was pretty good. We got a lot done and things are going pretty well. Natalie came to church this Sunday and she is doing well this week. We are going over to her grandparents house to teach her and have a mini party for her. She is scheduled for baptism on the 24th. Also, Alicia, a member’s girlfriend came to church again as well. We are excited for her and plan to teach her on Saturday. We are actually very busy this week so I am excited for that.

A man by the name of Darius Gray is coming to Jackson. He is a African American member of the church who is coming to talk on Genealogy. It is happening on Thursday. Over a 100 of black ministers have been invited to come and attend this Genealogy Conference. It will hopefully get people curious enough to find new people to teach. I don’t know what it is about finding new people to teach, we struggle with it. But usually when we do find someone, they are really good ones.

This weekend, we played Softball as a ward trying to invite all the Less-actives to come. We had a good time. Also, it was Deb Dunham’s birthday so as a gift to her, Me and Elder Cortez gave her a year subscription to the Ensign. The pictures are of both of these events. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for all the love, support and prayers you have given me. They are much needed and appreciated. I love y’all.


Elder Kyle Parker

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