Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 5, 2009

Dear Family,

Hey everyone! I am happy as can be and life is good. I got news about transfers. President called us Sunday Morning. I am staying here in Jackson. That means that I will have spent at least ¼ of my mission here. I really enjoy it because we have a lot going one and I am happy to be here so yeah! I am also staying with Elder Cortez. This will be our 3rd transfer together. That rarely happens so I am excited about that. President said he was really tempted to transfer one of us but he decided not to.

This weekend was Conference and it was neat to hear from the Prophet and Apostles once again. I enjoyed most of them. Some of my favorites would have to be Thomas S. Monson when he talked about Service. It was really neat. Then I enjoy Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk about the Book of Mormon. Way bold and strong testimony.

We have set another baptismal date with a little 9 year old girl. Her name is Natalie. Really sweet and she is way smart. It is for the 17th of this month.

I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that I am His missionary doing His work. I get to see so many miracles and that Lord truly has a hand in this work. He prepares people because he wants them to be truly happy. I love y’all and am so happy to represent you and the Lord. I hope y’all have a good week.


Elder Kyle Parker

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