Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 15, 2009

Dear Family,

Hello, hello! I hope all of you are having a great week! It is getting more and more humid here. I am not looking forward to another hot and humid summer in the south. Ugh! I had a good week, so I am going to tell you about it.

Tuesday, I had my first district meeting. I was really nervous but that is ok. There was only 4 of us. It went pretty well. But to make things more stressful for me, we have 4 more missionaries in our district, 2 in Dyersburg and 2 in Trenton. Don’t know if I wanted more but I got more anyways.

Thursday, we had the AP’s come over and give me District Leader training. We also had President interviews. It was once again, good to talk to him. We talked about the district and how I was doing. We also talked about my feet and he said he is working on getting full car here because as of now, we have 1 on, 1 off. So we have to ride our bike a lot. I am dying! So out of shape. It’s good for me though.

This week, too, we got to meet a lot of families of the ward due to having dinner at there house. It was great! Sunday was good too, none of our investigators came though, unfortunately. :( We are still working on that.

So, overall, we had a good week. I am hoping that this week will be better because on Thursday because we have Zone Conference on that day. I am excited about that.

Also, happy birthday to Whitney, Rachel and Dad! I hope this week is awesome for y’all and know that someone in Jackson, TN is thinking about you!

Hope you all have a fun and safe week. I love y’all!


Elder Kyle Parker

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