Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 23, 2009

Dear Family,

Hello, hello! Another week has come and gone. Today is my 8 month mark. I have completed 1/3 of my mission. Time is going too fast for me. Being on a mission is a great experience. I have learned so much stuff, stuff I couldn't learn if I wasn't here.

We had a good lesson with one of our investigators, Morris Cline. We brought President Hallman (our branch president) with us. We were going to do the 2nd lesson but we felt like he didn't really understand the 1st lesson. So we talked to him about how we don't say "we believe this, we believe that" we say "we know this, we know that." No one in this church is forced to believe a certain way. The reason they know what to be true is because they asked for themselves and the holy ghost bore that witness to them. The holy ghost can not lie.

Wednesday, we went up to Corning, AR and did some service with the Winegars and then President Hallman cleaning up tree limbs. We were exhausted by the end of the day. Then we had a great lesson with the McClungs (A less-active family we are working with). We talked to Sister McClung about being burned out. She told us that she was giving all of her time to the church and that she ran out of things to give to it. I have noticed out here that a lot of people are that way. A lot of these less actives used to be really active in the church until they felt "burned out" We are working with her and she is praying for the desire to come back to church.

We found an old area book of Pocahontas that missionaries in Paragould, Arkansas had. So we are following up with those people and just going tracting.

On Saturday, we went to a live stock show of farm animals. I thought that was pretty fun! I took a bunch of pictures for y'all to enjoy. Things and people here are progressing slowly. I hope all is well with the family! I love you.


Elder Parker

The pictures include: Greenie dinner for Elder Hansen, Goats, Me at Pocahontas

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