Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009 (Sent another one home!!)

Dear Family,

Hello, Hello from Memphis, Tennessee! I am currently with Elder Demayo (My Zone Leader) and Elder Alston (a missionary). I sent Elder Gift to the temple a few moments ago and now we are here in Memphis. It was funny, when we got in last night, we were in a part a Memphis that is really ghetto. It’s called Raleigh. But as we were walking into our house, we heard some gun shots off in the distance. It was kind of scary but apparently it is a common occurrence in Memphis. Don’t worry, it sounded like it was really far away. Another funny thing is they live on “Lehi” street. What are the odds of that!?!?

So I don’t get my new companion until Wednesday so I will e-mail you again when I find out what is going on. But for now, I am staying in Pocahontas. Now an update on the investigators.

Terrell and Rita unfortunately moved to Mississippi. He called us an told us if he could get baptized that same day he called us which was last Wednesday. We had to say no because they were struggling with smoking but we gave the missionaries in his area his info so he will still be investigating the church in Mississippi.

Overall, this week has been kind of slow because Elder Gift was going home so we didn’t work as hard as I wanted to. Now, don’t get me wrong, we worked hard, and Elder Gift is a hard worker, I just wanted to work harder. I am excited to get a new companion so we can hit it up! But overall in Pocahontas, things are really going well! I am super excited! I love it here!

So I am just waiting for my new companion so I can tell you who he is and stuff like that.

You are all in my prayers constantly and thank you for the many prayers in my behalf. May the Lord bless you! I love you all!


Elder Parker

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