Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009 (Baptism!)

Dear Family,

Wow, what a week! Thank you, first of all, to all those who remembered my birthday! I appreciate all of the cards, gifts, etc. That really means a lot to mean and makes me feel warm inside because I was remembered! Thanks a ton!

My week was pretty good. On Wednesday, it was a crazy day! We had to get a baptismal interview and Jonesboro needed help with some of there investigators so we went on exchanges with the AP's and we went all over the place. I went with one of the Spanish Elders and we went and walked like 3 miles. We committed 3 black people to baptism but my feet were on fire! I got a blister or two, but I am fine.

My birthday was very fun. We went to very unique restaurant. It was a decommissioned airplane and they turned it into a restaurant. It was very good and cool. I took some pictures and stuff, it was fun!

Then the ultimate highlight of the week was the baptism of Nathan Lee. It was really neat. What a great birthday present from the Lord. :) So, overall, it was a great week. Next week, we should be having another baptism so I am excited about that too.

So overall, it was a sweet birthday week! I got a letter everyday, I got a baptism, got to eat on an airplane, etc. Man, life couldn't get any better!

Thanks for all of your love and support! I love you all very dearly! Thanks again!


Elder Kyle Parker

Pictures included: Me, Nathans brother, Nathan, Elder Hansen, Me and the airplane restaurant, inside the airplane restaurant.

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