Friday, August 21, 2009

August 17, 2009

Dear Family,

Another week gone by. It sure is going fast. It is so crazy when you are working hard how fast the time goes. We had a pretty good week so let me explain just some stuff.

Lots of exchanges this week. First exchange, I went up to Dyersburg to see how they are doing up there. They were explaining to me the troubles that they were having in finding people home. Well, we went with a member to just go drop in on a bunch of their investigators and we found one home but they didn’t let us in because they were busy doing something else. So I definitely feel there pain because I have been there before. But I think things will start to improve there soon! They AP’s came and did exchanges at the same time I was up there so I was with one of the AP’s for about an hour. I didn’t know the area so we just kind of talked about what was going on in Jackson.

Next exchange was with Trenton. They are doing ok. The companionship up there isn’t doing so good so I hope that they relieved some steam by being separated for a day. They are doing ok. They are trying to keep busy and they have a fairly large area so they use a lot of miles. I think that if they planned smarter though, they could easily save some miles. But, they do what they want to do, I won’t stop them. I hope things start to improve there as well.

Things here are starting to improve as well. Sister Green (Big Mama) surprised us at church by coming to church. We had visited her that week and she wasn’t doing good health wise. But after sacrament meeting, we gave her a blessing and I think that really helped her. We had a good session in class as well. She mentioned that she wasn’t a member but she was seriously considering it. Bless her heart, I know the Lord will bless her for coming to church, as he always does.

Continue to pray for me and for our area. I appreciate the prayers that are already being said, we can definitely see the outcome of them. I love you and I hope that you are safe and happy! Until next week!


Elder Parker

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