Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Dear Family,

Hey hey hey! How are all y’all doing? I hope well, I love you so much and had a good week so let me tell you what is going on.

First of all, I have 4 more months left. I know, I shouldn’t count but it is so hard when everyone else around is and they are constantly asking you how long you have been out so that doesn’t help either. Elder Murdock is getting transferred. So I will get a new companion on Wednesday. I have a good guess on who I am getting. I think I am getting someone by the name of Elder Grigg. He is currently serving in Jackson and I just think that I am going to get him. We shall see if I am right on Wednesday. I will miss Elder Murdock. We had a lot in common and we taught well together. I hope that he is happy where ever he goes. Random mission news update. I don’t know if you ever new Elder Prete who came out in this mission about over a year ago who I went to High school with, but he just got made Assistant to the President. The really weird thing is that we are now going to have 3 assistants. It will be interesting to see how that works this transfer!

This week was a really good week. We had a lot going on and things of that nature so yeah! It was full of exchanges. I went to Lakeland and did exchanges with Elder Ulrich. That was good to see how the other missionaries in the Zone are doing. Later in the week, I got to go on exchanges in Jackson. I got to see Big Mama, the lady that I baptized while I was there. That was really neat and we set up a bunch of missionary activities, like a bible study, while we were there. We gave Jackson a jump start, which was much needed. I was happy with that.

Kyle has a baptismal date once again which is awesome. It is actually for Conference weekend. So if everything goes as planned, we should have 2 baptisms that day, one for Kyle and one for Roy Bullington. We are excited about that.

We have been teaching new people as well, like one we met at a Christian bookstore. He is an Ex-marine who is now a Christian. He actually gave us his website: Check it out, if you ever get the chance so you can see who we are teaching. He is well versed in the bible so it is very interesting to talk to him. Good guy though, really powerful testimony on his website, we looked at it with a member.

Well, that is all that I have for this week. I will try to update you on Wednesday so you know who my new companion is. Thanks.


Kyle (Elder Parker)

Picture included: Our District for this last transfer

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