Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 1, 2010

Dear Family,

Oh my gosh, it is already March! Time is just speeding by. I realized the other day that I only have 3 zone conferences left and then I go home. Scary! Don’t know if I am ready yet. I will definitely cherish the time I have left.

This week was good. We had Zone conference and Me and Murdock were conducting. Well, we must have eating something the day before because both me and Murdock got food poisoning. After we gave the announcements and stuff, we b-lined to the bathroom. We spent the entire Zone conference in the bathroom on the toilet. We were both just dying. When lunch came around, we got permission to go home and just rest so that is what we did. We were better the next day so that was the good part.

We talked to Kyle about his baptism. We were going to have it this weekend but his mom wasn’t going to be in town so we moved it the 12th because he will be available that week. We are excited for him and he is excited for himself. We had a good lesson with him yesterday about the “Armor of God”. It was fun.

This weekend as well, we went to a member’s (Brother Rayman) birthday party. We have done some service for him the past couple of weeks so we got invited. It was way fun and made me think of y’all and all the good times we have as a family. I sure do love y’all and you mean so much to me. Family is really what God wants us to have. We find happiness in knowing that families can be together forever in the Temple. I am grateful to have parents that are faithful to their covenants so our family can be together forever.

Speaking of temples, we had a neat opportunity to help clean the temple. We did about an hours work vacuuming and stuff. It was cool because you get to go into every room in the temple. Even when you are cleaning t

he temple, you can still feel the spirit. I loved the chance we had to do that.

I know this gospel is true and I know that it brings happiness. I know Christ is my savior and that he is the Savior of everyone. Love y’all and hope you have a good week.


Kyle (Elder Parker)

Pictures Included are of Sherry Kasaitis' baptism (picture coming soon!)

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