Monday, April 26, 2010

April 12, 2010

Dear Family,

Wow, I am definitely on a spiritual high right now. This morning we went to the temple. I haven’t been to the temple in almost 2 years, so that was very informative for me and I enjoyed very much feeling the spirit of the temple.

Thinks are definitely going good when it comes to the work of the Lord. He has blessed us with new people to teach and plenty of other good things.

Well, we found probably the most golden investigator I have ever taught on my mission. Her name is Katie Newman. She is 17 years old and she is way smart. She came to church with some members (The Ivies) who have a daughter who is battling cancer. Sweet family! Anyway, she came to church and she ate everything up. She is very out going and she asks tons of questions which is great because she wants answers. She feels like this church has the answers she is looking for. She is going to get baptized in no time. I am so excited for her!

Karyn and Nycole are doing good. Karyn is currently on the Stop smoking program and hopefully she is still clean. Nycole has been sick the last couple of days but we will see them tomorrow evening which I am excited about. If everything will go as planned, they will get baptized this weekend, which would be awesome! Yay!

We are doing good so far. We are trying to find more investigators and what not so things are going good. We had a Zone Conference last Thursday and that was good. It was weird to be one of the missionaries that everyone was receiving instruction from. It was a humbling experience. I learned a lot from the other missionaries in the audience so that was good.

I know that this gospel is true and I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I am so grateful for eternal families and I am grateful to know that I have a family that loves me! Thank you all for your love, support and prayers in my behalf. May the Lord bless you!



(Elder Parker)

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