Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010

Dear Family,

It is already June! Next month I am home. That is super weird. The time is flying by so fast, I am getting whiplash when I look back at the time that has pasted. Things are going good. Let me give you an update.

Due to Memorial day, I couldn’t e-mail you on Monday. Blast holidays on your mission. That also means that you don’t get any mail which is also a bummer. I realized what it is like to train a greenie. He got 7 letters from home, 4 of them from his girlfriend. Unfair! But, we live in a world where lots of things are unfair. Oh well, we just move on and are happy about it. :) We did have hamburgers and chips on Memorial Day. Yay!

Angela Bishop is progressing well. She is going out of town this week so she is going to read while she is gone and do a lot of praying and fasting on how she should approach her parents when it comes to telling them that she is joining the church. We continue to pray for her because she really wants to be baptized on the 12th.

On Saturday, we taught a guy named Shane. He seems really interested in the gospel but I question his sexually preference. He asked a lot of “Gay” questions but I don’t know. I will not judge him and I will definitely follow the spirit in this situation. I thought it was funny when he asked if me and my companion were married to each other.

Gary Begin is still working on stopping Coffee. We are trying an experiment on Friday where he is going to go without Coffee for a whole Day and write down the good things and bad things that happen to him during the day and what blessing he received after trying the experiment. Hopefully, everything will go as planned.

That is pretty much an update on what is going on here in Jackson. I love you so much and thank you for your support. I am really enjoying the pictures of Logan. Congrats to Chad and Cindy for making a nephew for me to come home to. Thank you. Talk to you next week.


(Elder Parker)

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