Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010

Dear Family,

Hello y'all. Time is sure flying fast. I will be home before you know it. I am super excited, scared, etc. I will miss being a missionary so I am cherishing my time I have left and working hard.

Update on Angela. We had a good meeting with her. There is a CD out here among the missionaries and its about a guy named Bill Carpenter who had opposition from his parents. She listened to it and seemed to enjoy it. This week, she is still planning on getting baptized this Saturday. We are trying to set up a meeting with a guy in the ward who had opposition from his parents so that will be good.

We are still working with Gary but no real update with him. Shane, we plan on meeting with him this week.

This is the last week of this transfer. Transfer calls will be next Monday. I hope that I don't get transferred! I want to stay here my last transfer in Jackson. I think I will because I am training someone and they don't like to separate that soon.

I am grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the miracles that it can do. I am grateful for the Atonement and how we can be forgiven of our sins.

Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers on my behalf. I love y'all!


(Elder Parker)

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