Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009

Dear Family,

Hello! I am so happy right now. It is great. What a great past week this has been. We set another baptismal date with someone else. Let me explain.

Billy Yarbrough, a member here, has a sister that is a non-member. Well, at the beginning of the transfer, we started telling the members that they might lose us as missionaries because we had nothing going on for a while. Well, Brother Yarbrough said that he wasn’t going to let that happen. Well, he asked his sister if she would take the missionary lessons again (because she had taken them before). She said that she needed a week to think about it. Anyway, she had a week to think about so Billy called her up and asked her if she was going to get baptized and she said yes. So, we taught her on Saturday. We told her about the Word of Wisdom and she has a problem with smoking. She is quitting today and she is getting baptized next Saturday on the 19th. We are so excited for her and I know that she can do it with the Lord’s help.

Big Mama, or Sister Greene, is doing good. We are still hoping that she can get baptized this weekend. It is all dependent on her health. So please pray for her. She needs all the prayers she can get in order to get baptized this weekend.

We have had other good teaching experiences with a woman named Kim. She had a friend in Clarksville, TN that she went to church with. She really enjoyed it. Well, we shared the first lesson with her and she is very skeptical but she is willing to read the Book of Mormon. We are meeting with her tomorrow so let see what happens.

The Lord is truly blessing us as missionaries and the members of the church with missionary opportunities. Thank goodness! I love y’all and thank you for the love, prayers and support in my behalf. I love you!


Elder Kyle Parker

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